I suppose obsession may be a bit strong when I consider people like the late, great Gerry Wells but from the point of view of my family thats what it is.
Like many I guess the Philips Electronic Engineer Kits (EE8 and A20) snared many of us into a life of poverty but satisfying careers.
In my case Christmas 1964 I received the Philips
EE8 Kit as my main Christmas present and I got the A20 Kit for my
Birthday October 1965
I always planned my life to be in the Radio and TV repair trade but as it happens that's not what happened for better or worse, I did my best honest I took City and Guilds RTV1, 2 and 3 at Plymouth College of further education.
I was seduced when I started looking for jobs into the world of first military then industrial electronics.
I joined Plessey Avionics and Communications in 1975 moving to Plessey Controls in 1978. Plessey Controls was taken over by Siemens in 1989 and I'm still there.
I have been a BVWS member since 1985 and I highly recommend anyone interested in Vintage Radio and Television to join this fantastic Society you can find us by clicking here:http://www.bvws.org.uk/
Post War Battery Valve Sets of all Makes
As well as Cossor Radios I have had a long term interest in post war all dry Battery sets particularly the portables. Ever Ready being a special interest due to the sheer number of different sets they produced.
During the late 1960's when I was actively scrounging parts to make my radio projects these were relatively plentiful source of spare parts so over the years many were dispatched at my hands.
The valves were in the main of little use to me at that time since most of my projects by 1968 were solid state and already the HT batteries were becoming difficult and expensive to source.
Today I have
examples representing most of the main manufactures of these sets.
Ever Ready carried on making a battery valve portable set all the
way up the 1961 but I think that was the last of these battery
valve sets by any of the major UK manufacturers, most of whom had
transistor sets on the market by 1958. Ever Ready themselves were
selling the Sky Leader Transistor Radio from May
Although not entirely valve I have included one of my HMV 1410B's same as Marconiphone P60B released June 1957 on this page since they are a bridge between the technologies even though by the time the P60B was released for sale there was already a full solid state portable Radio (PAM 710) available for sale from a UK manufacturer since March 1956.
The sets are in no particular order just as I
round them up and snap a
HMV 1410B June 1957 3 Valve 2 Transistors Battery set
Bush BP90 November 1946 4 Valve Battery Set
EKCO BP257 June 1956 4 Valve Battery set
Cossor 527X Circa 1955 Export Battery set designed to be resistant to insect attack.
Cossor 499 December 1949 4 Valve Battery set
Cossor 543 June 1956 4 Valve Battery set
EKCO BP321 Circa 1958 4 Valve Battery set
Invicta 28 Circa 1957 4 Valve Battery set
Decca Deccette July 1953 4 Valve Battery set here sat on the optional Mains adaptor.
PYE P152BQ "Carribean"Circa 1956 4 Valve Battery set same Chassis as P114BQ
PYE M78F June 1948 4 Valve Battery set
Romac 106 1946 4 Valve Battery set
One of the stars of my collection especially when I know I broke at least one of these when I was in my teens Ever Ready Sky Monarch VHF January 1955 9 Valves + tuning indicator. This set is a real beast and I have the AM version as well.
Ever Ready Sky Monarch AM only version Jan 1955 6 Valve + tuning indicator Battery Set see the AM/FM version on this page these really were top of the range battery sets
Marconiphone P20B December
4 Valve Battery
Ever Ready Model B June
`1947 4 Valve Battery set
Vidor 432 Oct 1955 4 Valve
Battery set
Vidor CN429 My Lady Margaret
4 Valve Battery
HMV 1451 4 Valve Battery
Mains set 1959. Odd that they built this after the 1410 which is a
Philips Annette LD462AB 1957 7 Valve
Battery set with VHF
Vidor CN396A Mains Battery set (1950) just like the Bush BAC32 this has a valve rectifier on mains.
Vidor CN430 Lady Ann Mains Battery 4 Valve 1955
Cossor 469 circa 1947
possibly the ugliest set ever built, uses the same chassis as the
Ever Ready Model C
Ever Ready Sky Captain April
1961 4Valve Battery set The last of the Battery Valve
PYE P29UBQ Jan 1950 4Valve
Battery Mains set
KB Rhapsody de Luxe PP251
1959 4 Valve Battery Mains set
Bush BAC31 with optional
type 42 mains unit. 4 Valve Battery set or 5 Valve Battery/Mains
set. This one has the correct select knob often used as a
replacement when its missing on DAC90A's
ULTRA Coronation Twin R786
Cossor 552 May 1957 4 Valve Battery
Cossor 499UB 1950 4 Valve
Battery Mains set
PYE P114BQ August 1955 4
Valve Battery set
Regentone B1 1956 4 Valve
Battery set
GEC BC4444 1952 4Valve
Mains/Battery set
Vidor Vagabond CN439 1957 4Valve Battery
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