About Me

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About Me and my obsession with Vintage Radio

I suppose obsession may be a bit strong when I consider people like the late, great Gerry Wells but from the point of view of my family thats what it is.

Like many I guess the Philips Electronic Engineer Kits (EE8 and A20) snared many of us into a life of poverty but satisfying careers.

In my case Christmas 1964 I received the Philips EE8 Kit as my main Christmas present and I got the A20 Kit for my Birthday October 1965

I always planned my life to be in the Radio and TV repair trade but as it happens that's not what happened for better or worse, I did my best honest I took City and Guilds RTV1, 2 and 3 at Plymouth College of further education.

I was seduced when I started looking for jobs into the world of first military then industrial electronics.

I joined Plessey Avionics and Communications in 1975 moving to Plessey Controls in 1978. Plessey Controls was taken over by Siemens in 1989 and I'm still there.


I have been a BVWS member since 1985 and I highly recommend anyone interested in Vintage Radio and Television to join this fantastic Society  you can find us by clicking here:http://www.bvws.org.uk/